DIY Arched Backdrop

DIY Backdrop and Flowers Balloons and Mosaic by Balloons WowPhotography by Lana Del Mar

DIY Backdrop and Flowers

Balloons and Mosaic by Balloons Wow

Photography by Lana Del Mar

It’s been a HOT minute since I’ve been on here, so I thought I’d hop on and finish something that I started a long time ago. You see them everywhere. On blogs, Instagram and Pinterest, but there hasn’t been a tutorial on it…Till now. I created the backdrop for my daughter’s 2nd birthday and when we were all in pandemic lockdown, it gave me something to do. It was an extension of my creativity and I hope that this helps at least one person. Since many of you have reached out asking for a tutorial on my backdrop, here it is!


DIY Backdrop* (*Some links contain affiliate links and I may receive a small commission for any purchases made.)


  1. Plan out your curves. Using your pex tubing draw out your curve. There is no right or wrong way to do this. The first time we made one, my husband calculated the curves to the exact measurement. It’s not necessary, but definitely a preference thing.

  2. Using your jigsaw cut out your shape carefully. Make sure to use proper safety equipment when operating heavy machinery.

  3. Sand, sand, sand! Using your sander, sand you backdrop, use your 80 grit paper to sand the backdrop and then use wood filler to get into all the cracks. Set aside to dry and once complete, sand with 220 to get a smooth finish. Repeat if necessary.


4.Paint! Exterior flat paint was what I used, but there are a ton of different options to use.

5. Assembly time! Gather all your panels and lay them out as you want them. Since you will be using them to support each other make sure that you have them all evenly lined up.

5. Using your hinges and a flat head screw driver, carefully screw your hinges in place. Make sure to use the 1/2” flat head screws you purchased, as the ones that come with the original hinges are too long and will end up going right through your backdrop.

I’m definitely not an expert, but it was so much fun to make! I hope this helps draw inspiration to your creations and would love to see them. Tag me on Instagram!

DIY Backdrop and Flowers Balloons and Mosaic by Balloons WowPhotography by Lana Del Mar

DIY Backdrop and Flowers

Balloons and Mosaic by Balloons Wow

Photography by Lana Del Mar